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#nomoreprebabybody campaign?

As a fitness professional, a woman and a mum, I profoundly believe in the phrase #nomoreprebabybody.

So what exactly does it mean?

It means we are allowed to be and look however we want/are now - not before.

Not previously.

And not when we used to be...

It means we are acceptable now, still, always...

Since becoming mothers.

Since anything.

Phrases like 'get my pre baby body back' or 'what I looked like pre baby' should be removed and encouraged to change to things like 'there is no such thing as a pre baby body' and 'let's embrace the changes of motherhood and life rather than resist them'.

Every year the MumSafe™️ team run a campaign highlighting our phrase #nomoreprebabybody.

Here are some highlights from the years we have joined them in spreading the word!

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